Foto: Traditional Home
Suck, vad säger man. Visst är det snyggt med mörka golv? Den här bilden kommer från Traditional Home. Men det lutar nog mot ekgolv i någon tappning i alla fall. Det är ungefär så här vi skall ha det i vårt nya allrum, med undantag för att på den här stenväggen skall det hänga en platt-tv istället för en eldstad. Tror det kan bli rätt snyggt faktiskt. Har fått inspirationen från Stenungsbaden vars foto jag visat tidigare. Stenväggen kommer att bli i gråa färger dock, vilket jag tror kan bli fint mot vår framtida soffa som förmodligen kommer att vara antracitgrå.Isn't it lovely with dark floors? This picture is from Traditional Home. But I think the final choice will be oak floor, because of the cleaning demand a dark floor has. Our tv-room will look something like this, except for one thing. On our stone wall we will hang an LCD TV instead of having a fire place. I think it can be rather nice. I have received the inspiration from Hotel Stenungsbaden, from which I have shown a picture from before. Our stone wall will be grey though, which I think will be nice together with our new sofa, which will be dark grey. At least that is what I think now...
3 kommentarer:
Det er også et billede, jeg har lagt mærke til - tak fordi du bragte det. Synes stenene er rigtig lækre, gulvene og det hele. Ha en skøn dag/aften!
My first time on your blog and I see you are doing a house. I think your ideas about the television on the stone wall sound great and you are right about the floor. Too dark and you will be washing it every day - or not!
I just love dark floors but they are really difficult to come about here in Australia. Most of our timber suppliers only stock the blonde, red and light brown Aussie timbers. We have decided on a medium brown 'spotted gum' floor. It's quite rustic as it has rivers of grey running through it. We are having the nice wide boards though! A-M xx
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